f-MRI Symphony: Unveiling Auditory Networks
Connectomics(AIL7150) Assignment
This assignment aims to provide hands-on experience in analyzing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data using advanced tools like SPM-12, AAL3, and MATLAB. By working with a real auditory task dataset, we have gain insights into the functional connectivity networks of the brain and their underlying dynamics.
Assignment Tasks
- Set up the working environment by installing MATLAB, SPM-12, AAL3, and MarsBar.
- Download and preprocess the auditory fMRI dataset using SPM-12.
- Label activated clusters using the AAL3 atlas and visualize brain regions with MarsBar.
- Extract time-series data from ROIs and construct a functional connectivity network.
- Analyze the functional connectivity network using graph theoretical measures (clustering coefficient, transitivity, and characteristic path length).
Results and Analysis
Final activated regions and 3d renders
